Chicago Transportation Authority contracted with Canete Medina (formerly cmQue, inc.). as the Prime Consultant for this project. The tasks for the study included developing a profile of the workforce residing in the Blue Line study area, analyzing DBEs in construction and construction-related suppliers along with major sources of industrial and service-related businesses, compiling a summary of existing business and employment training programs, working with local community organizations to profile training program participants, developing recommendations for reconciling the needs of the local workforce and business community base, and preparing a final report.
To meet the objectives of the study, Canete Medina compiled and analyzed census and employment data, conducted two (2) mail-in surveys, and performed interviews with local community organizers and business owners. The results of the study were used by CTA in its Affirmative Action program for the 4-year, multi-million dollar Blue Line Renovation Project (2002 to 2006). Stakeholder outreach through surveys and key person interviews were used in gathering business and local workforce data from the community. The CTA Blue Line study area comprised of predominantly Hispanic/Latino residents (78%). Survey questionnaires were available in both English and Spanish.
Year completed: 2001
Photo Source:
CTA 3018, Chicago "L"