The City of Hyattsville procured the services of Canete Medina Consulting Group Inc. to conduct a Resident Satisfaction Survey for the purpose of identifying services and programs that need improvement and prioritizing those improvements. The City of Hyattsville is a suburb of Washington, D.C. and has a population of roughly 18,000 residents. It is well known for its diverse community, pedestrian walkability, and Gateway Arts District.
Canete Medina was responsible for survey design, preparation of survey instruments (printed and online versions, English and Spanish forms), sampling plan, survey administration, processing of survey results, weighting of survey results, data analytics, preparation of final report, and presentation of results to City Council. The Final Report can be found at: http://www.hyattsville.org/DocumentCenter/View/4869/2018-Hyattsville-Resident-Survey
Year Completed: 2018