The objective of the project was to develop a predictive tool to analyze the impacts of various interagency fare policies. The model was supported by data from various surveys.
As a subconsultant to Transystems, Canete Medina (formerly cmQue, inc.) conducted rider intercept surveys for Pace Bus and Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) at several major transit terminals. Canete Medina also conducted Pace Bus on-board rider surveys at the Orland Square Mall and the Waukegan Transportation Center. Canete Medina translated the survey to Spanish, printed 3,000 survey questionnaires with unique serial codes (in both English and Spanish), and printed postcards that requested riders to complete the online survey by entering a unique serial code. Canete Medina also developed the on-line version of the survey for Pace Bus, Metra Rail, and Chicago Transit Authority. Canete Medina coded the data for all the completed paper forms collected during the intercept and on-board rider surveys.
Year Completed: 2012