The objective of this study was to identify market opportunities for providing bus access and egress services to reverse peak and suburb-suburb travelers using the Metra rail services. The methodological approach combined both qualitative and quantitative elements. The quantitative components of the project included analyzing data from various sources including Metra ridership survey, ridership counts, an employer database and Census journey-to-work data. The qualitative elements included in-depth employer interviews designed to evaluate employer and employee interest in a feeder bus service linking suburban-based companies to surrounding Metra stations.
As a sub-consultant to Cambridge Systematics, Canete Medina (formerly cmQue, inc.) was responsible for developing an employer database and geocoding ridership surveys for the study. Canete Medina also created the GIS-based decision support tool that integrated census information, the employer database, and ridership surveys, for use in planning service enhancements and targeting potential rail passengers.
Year Completed: 2002