The objective of this project was to examine the Cook-DuPage corridor with emphasis placed on current mobility conditions from a multi-modal perspective. The study examined existing socioeconomic and travel conditions, as well as expected future trends within Cook-DuPage study area, in order to highlight mobility deficiencies. The market analysis utilized data on resident and employment profiles, existing highway and transit infrastructure conditions, corridor travel patterns, and corresponding level of service provision. By quantitatively and spatially documenting these data, effective and feasible alternatives were formulated to better address the corridor's mobility needs.
As a sub-consultant to Cambridge Systematics, Canete Medina (formerly cmQue, inc.) was responsible for developing and geocoding an employer database, identifying and assessing the study corridor’s major activity centers, and quantifying the travel impact of each major activity center on existing travel segments. As part of the activity center analysis, Canete Medina analyzed existing land use, current zoning and real estate trends to evaluate their impact on future land use and travel demand.
Year Completed: 2004